The Amazing Camel Toe (Hardcover)

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The Amazing Camel Toe By Claire Duplan, Claire Duplan (Artist) Cover Image
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Staff Reviews

I know I'm not the target audience for this book, but on a whim, I opened up Claire Duplan's graphic novel because I thought the artwork had an interesting, DIY punk vibe that looked like something from the nineties. Who is this for? Twenty-something feminists with a strong bent toward political and social consciousness who still hope for radical change in our world. Especially on a personal level, Constance has some reservations about taking her own feelings and pleasures into account over her boyfriends or other male-aggressive types. On the surface, this book has a message that I think will ring true with a lot of other people, but the art style is what really drew me into the story and help land the message better.

— Jason Kennedy


Constance, a modern, young illustrator, takes revenge for the thousands of attacks suffered daily by women with a comic of her own, titled The Amazing Camel Toe, celebrating the adventures of an anti-macho vigilante in tight, panther leggings: A hero who battles against sexism, harassment, slut-shaming, and unrealistic standards of beauty. A form of release that could materialize in a publishing deal for Constance... But in order for that to happen, the author, often full of doubt, must dare to assert herself more. Luckily, she's supported by her gang of girlfriends, her boyfriend, her favorite band, and not to mention Camel Toe herself: who says this comic-book bombshell can't exist in real life? Gently provocative, cheerfully fierce, and borderline punk, Claire Duplan has a style and a tone all her own, overflowing with humor and energy.

Product Details
ISBN: 9781990521119
ISBN-10: 1990521118
Publisher: Black Panel Press
Publication Date: May 16th, 2023
Pages: 120
Language: English